Artelia awarded a place on five lots of two new LPP Frameworks

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We are delighted to announce that it has been awarded places on two NHS London Procurement (LPP) frameworks.

LPP is an NHS-funded collaborative procurement organisation, working to gain commercial advantage for its NHS members, for the benefit of both patients and taxpayers.

The Artelia Healthcare team has been awarded a place on the following framework lots:

1) Construction Consultancy Services Framework Agreement

a) Cost Advisor, including the following services: Cost Consultant; Quantity Surveying; and Mechanical and Electrical Costings.

b) Project Management, including the following services: Construction Project Management (including small works management); Project & Programme Management; and Acting as Employer’s Agent when required.

2) Estates and Facilities Advisory Services Framework Agreement

a)    Life Cycle Planning & Management

b)    Estates Strategy and Business Case Development

c)    FM and Building Operations and Asset Management Consultancy Services

The Artelia healthcare team brings together experience as hands on health practitioners and estate managers with expertise in strategic planning, project delivery, biomedical engineering and operational management of healthcare environments. Ian Bailey Director at Artelia, says:

“We are delighted to be part of this vital LPP frameworks and look forward to working on the projects moving forward. This is an important step in Artelia’s growth plans for our Healthcare Centre of Excellence in Europe and the UK.”

Our services encompass all areas of health & care related property and project management, from Estates Strategies to PLACE assessments. We have particular skills in healthcare facilities management and energy reduction programmes which are key to driving estates efficiencies.

Our client base in the UK and internationally includes:

  • NHS Trust Hospitals – Acute, Foundation and Mental Health (Addenbrokes, Barnet, Hull
  • Oncology, Oxford John Radcliffe, Queen Alexandra, Lewisham, Kingston, West Middlesex,
  • Bicester)
  • Primary Care Trusts (PCT)
  • Private Clinics and Surgeries
  • Independent and Private Hospitals
  • Hospices
  • Care Homes
  • Nursing Homes
  • GP Surgeries
  • Dental Practices


More details on the LLP Frameworks can be found on their website.


Get in touch

If you want to find buy from this framework, please contact our Public Sector Lead, Ian Bailey, to learn more and see how we could help you.


About LPP

  • LPP is an NHS-funded collaborative procurement organisation, working to gain commercial advantage for its NHS members, for the benefit of both patients and taxpayers.

  • LPP has saved the NHS, taxpayers and patients more than £540m since its launch, and works to improve and influence the quality of products and services used within the NHS.
  • LPP membership is open to NHS organisations.
Using LPP frameworks enables the NHS to save even more money which can be redirected to frontline services.

  • LPP frameworks give users access to EU-compliant frameworks, saving users the time and money required to invest in carrying out their own procurement exercise.
Awarded suppliers on LPP frameworks have been carefully evaluated during the tender process.
  • LPP works to offer the best solution to suit its members’ needs, including where appropriate creating strategic alliances with other framework providers if that’s the most effective route to benefit the NHS.
  • LPP considers the potential benefits of SMEs (including social enterprises) when developing its tender documentation, to ensure SMEs are not barred from entering or succeeding in the tender process for appropriate frameworks.

  • The LPP team brings professional procurement expertise to the NHS.