Charity Days Help Conserve Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome Trust

  • arteliaadmin
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A worthwhile day was had by all when a group of Artelians used one of their two annual Charity Days to lend a hand at Stow Maries Great War Aerodrome in Chelmsford.  Stow Maries is the only World War One Aerodrome left in the world and the Charitable Trust that runs it is currently in the first stage of a 20 year masterplan called ‘Reaching for the Sky’ with the aim to preserve and protect the fabric of the site, its aviation and natural heritage, and create an exciting visitor attraction.

The Artelia volunteers had the privilege of handling a wide range of the museum’s objects (including a World War 1 bomb and machine gun) – cleaning and preserving them before they go on display. The afternoon was spent dusting, sweeping and mopping as the exhibition spaces were given a spring clean. When all the hard work was finished, the team managed to find some time to sample the site’s interactive aeroplane and enjoyed a fascinating tour around the hangers.

As part of Artelia’s Corporate Social Responsibility, everyone in the company has two days charity leave to use in support of a worthwhile cause of their choice.