It is business, almost as usual, for our Abney Park Cemetery project for Hackney Borough Council, which is now in its delivery phase following the award of a £4.4m National Lottery Heritage Fund and National Lottery Community Fund grant in January. Laura Lincoln, Eleni Karaouli and Andrew Gillson are collaboratively leading our multi-disciplinary team on design and cost planning work via Skype and conference calls, in conjunction with the Council and key stakeholders. The project involves Abney Park’s historic chapel being brought back into use as a multi-purpose venue, the development of a new café and classroom at the park’s main entrance, as well as a new accessible entrance, which will encourage more visitors to the park to enjoy its fascinating history and rich biodiversity.
As the coronavirus has highlighted, our urban parks and open spaces are tremendously important to people’s wellbeing and a valuable asset for our communities. Abney Park is still open to the public and will remain so during the restoration works which are due to be completed in 2022.