Congratulations Commander!

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Artelia is delighted to announce that Associate, Richmal Hardinge, has been appointed a Commander of the Royal Navy Reserves. As anyone who has worked with Richmal Hardinge knows, she excels at leading teams and managing projects, so it is hardly surprising that the Royal Navy Reserve (RNR) is capitalising on those skills too.

In September, Richmal will become the Commanding Officer of HMS PRESIDENT, London’s RNR training establishment, for a three-year term. HMS PRESIDENT is the UK’s largest Maritime Reserve unit, with over 300 serving reservists, all of whom will be under Richmal’s command. This brings huge responsibility and accountability for their recruitment, initial training and retaining them to serve alongside their regular counterparts in the Royal Navy. Furthermore, HMS PRESIDENT is the face of the Royal Navy in London and, as such, has a large ceremonial obligation, supporting significant national ceremonial events in London and the South-East and engaging with the The City of London Corporation, The Borough of Tower Hamlets and the Ministry of Defence and joint military reservists’ fraternity in London and most importantly with employers of all the reservists serving within the Ship.

In July, Artelia signed the Armed Forces Covenant and is keen to encourage staff to participate in reservist activities and to recruit other reservists who we recognise can bring special skills to our business and industry.