Highly Commended for Fitted Rigging House project at Constructing Excellence Awards

Highly Commended for Fitted Rigging House project at Constructing Excellence Awards

  • arteliaadmin
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Fitted Rigging House Chatham

Our project to restore and repurpose for commercial letting, the vast 18th century Fitted Rigging House at The Historic Dockyard, Chatham, was Highly Commended in the Preservation and Rejuvenation category at last night’s SECBE Awards in London. Just missing out to the Great Pagoda at Kew, the Fitted Rigging House was praised for its sensitive adaptation of a Scheduled Ancient Monument, sustaining traditional skills and being a blueprint for how to utilise our historic sites. The scheme was funded through a Heritage Enterprise grant and has enabled the Dockyard to move into a position of financial sustainability for the first time in its history as a heritage attraction.

Picture: Project Managers Steve Prowse and Sophie Langridge with Bill Ferris OBE, CEO of Chatham Historic Dockyard Trust